Sunday 13 March 2011

Temples done !

I have now spent ten weeks exploring Mayan Temples - here's my list for this visit. Check out my pages for great photo's, details and info on the Maya.

Chichen Itza           Uxmal               Mayapan
Dzibilchaltun         Acanceh            Palenque
Edzna                    Ek Balam           Tikal

Saturday 12 February 2011

Mission of the Maya !

Mayan warriors at Ek Balam
Spectacular treetop view of Uxmal

About this Mayan Temples site
This site is following my travels around  Mayan Temple sites of the Yucatan, Campeche and Chiapas in Mexico, and Guatemala. It is up to date with information, details and photo's for travelers. You can post if you want specific travel details to sites. I have rated each site on overall experience.

The Pyramid of Kukulkan - Chichen Itza

March 2011. I have been here nearly nine weeks now, researching the temples, culture, art and symbols of the complex Mayan People. Alongside this, I have been researching the 2012 phenomenon of the Mayan long count calendar - as well as eventually understanding the round calendar !

The more you dig into the short, but absorbing saga of the Mayans' existence, you can't help but be drawn further in by their creations, rituals and incredible grasp of the cosmos.

Pyramid of the Magician - Uxmal

So far, I have studied at Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Mayapan,  Dzibilchaltun and Ek Balam in the Mexican State of Yucatan. I have also done Edzna in Campeche, Palenque in Chiapas and the incredible Tikal in Guatemala.

I am drawn by a feeling of affinity with these places.  It's as mysterious as the Mayans themselves, how they appeared, created and advanced so much in such a short space of time - then disappeared just as quickly !

The Pyramid of Kakulcan - Mayapan