Edzna & Palenque


This is the first temple site I´ve visited outside Yucatan. Edzna is in Campeche, on the Gulf Coast. Campeche itself has a great Centro Historico and is worth an overnight stay.

Once I found out the bus details to the site, it was easy. The site itself is in a lush green area and is far more impressive than I expected. The site is comparable in size to Uxmal and certainly has the same wow! factor.

The raised Acropolis includes a number of buildings and is the centre-piece, especially the Pyramid of five levels - dating to 625 A.D.  The whole area was probably a settlement as long ago as 600 B.C.E and has had successive facelifts.

The site is large, well maintained and rebuilt by Guatemalan refugees. You can walk on most of the structures. Whilst I was there I saw no more than 10 people, so is well off the tourist trail and totally worth a visit.

Most amazing ! - The pyramid is a radical departure from other central buildings - it was obviously designed to be noticed !

Travel info - there is a collectivo from Campeche, 60 pesos return that drops you off at the entrance. Entry is 41 pesos, so all in all, a superb value day out !
There is a bathroom - that´s all ! Take your drinks and food.

My rating  8/10


Heading south into Chiapas, you arrive at an absolute marvel of Mayan creation. Even though out of the way, it´s not surprising that so many people make the trip here.

Set in incredible scenery of  high forest covered hills and spectacular views, with sparkling rivers and cascading waterfalls, this site is a thing of wonder ! The buildings are an extension of the surrounding beauty and must have been stunning in it´s day.

This is a tourist site, but I arrived at the 8am opening time to get the best photos, then spent a full five hours studying, walking the trails and visiting the museum - that is full of superb artifacts from the site. Amazingly, you can walk on nearly all of the structures - if you´re legs can handle all the steps ! Allow a full day to do it properly, without struggling in the heat !

Most amazing ! - the location and the museum artefacts.

Travel info - Palenque town has many 1st class buses passing through. There are regular mini-buses to the site gate (10 pesos).
If you go before 8am you don´t pay the park fee of 25 pesos. Entry is 51 pesos - an incredible bargain ! Museum is included. There are bathrooms and some food & drink options. There are many sellers, but not in your face like Chichen.

My rating 9.5/10