My mission

 On top of the world at Uxmal 

So here I am once again, out in the middle of nowhere, doing all the stuff that most people don't do !  Once being an adventurer and explorer is in your blood, there's no going back ! 

In recent years, I've trekked northern India to the Taj Mahal, the fabulous Ajanta Caves and Buddha's Mahabodi Temple in Bodghaya.

From the crumbling temples along the Lycian way Turkey, welcoming Inukshuk in Canada and Hawaiin lava encrusted beaches, to the dusty Australian outback, sometimes, you've just gotta go and look !

The Maya though, are in a league of their own. The more I learn about these people, the more I am astounded at what they created and how. At some point, you can only surmise that they did not in-fact originate on this planet !

The whole 2012 scenario has brought new impetus to an already mind boggling existence and for me has answered many questions as to what that really means. I have recorded some of my findings on another page for you to make your own mind up ! What I have uncovered with regard to the calendar, other written prophecies and how scientific and cosmological events could be highly significant, will just add to the wonder and speculation. Is it the end of the world - almost certainly not....but as we know it....almost certainly yes !

My mission is not just to admire the stunning architecture, but to be in the hearts and minds of the people who stood on that same ground up to 2000 years ago. I want to feel the spirit of the Maya in every carved block and intricate symbol. And then to wonder....what did they know .....?

There is far more to this magnificent race and I think there will be revelations during the coming years. I believe 2012 is highly significant, but for something we may not even  believe is possible or even know about.

For now, I am going on a journey to see what I can find out. No tour buses for me, just honest to goodness grass roots roughing it, seeing everything and  being open to whatever comes my way and wherever the road takes me !

I have given each site a star rating, based on the overall experience of  value for money; tourist density; site services; visual archeological & historical interest and chill out factor !
